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Easy, Natural and Eco Friendly Floor Cleaner

If you are unaware of the damage that chemical-laden cleaners do to us and the world, you are most likely living under a rock. Your typical cleaners are highly acidic, non-biodegradable, and leave behind poisonous fumes and debris that unintentionally damage our health and the ecosystem.

Change it up with several eco friendly cleaners that leave no toxicity behind. What you'll see are remnants of the best natural floor cleaner and their safeness for your family.

Lemons for Best Natural floor cleaner:

Lemons are a perfect natural disinfectant floor cleaner, whether you blend the juice with water in a spray bottle or dunk it in salt and use it to clean floors. They are effective natural deodorizers due to their high acidic content. They have a lot of antiseptic and antibacterial effects. Lemons can be used to clean chopping boards or to preserve the shine of copper pans.

Use a bio-enzyme cleaner to scrub the toilets:

There is an eco friendly cleaners for the bathroom that can easily disinfect the toilet tank, faucets and fixtures, and even the sink. This cleaner, which contains bio-active additives, degrades organic matter and uric salts. The gradual decomposition removes the root of the unpleasant odour, leaving your toilet cleaner free of poisonous gases. Furthermore, active bacteria try to disinfect the drainage processes even after you have flushed them.

White vinegar works wonders on glass and mirrors:

To clean greasy and grimy mirrors and walls, simply combine equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle, spritz it onto the floor, and wipe it clean with a simple cotton cloth. It’s the best natural floor cleaner with no harmful ingredients.

White vinegar is essentially a mild acetic acid with potent antibacterial properties that can be used in virtually any aspect of household cleaning. You can also dilute it in water and use it to effectively clear stains from textiles.

Baking soda can be used for more than just baking:

Baking soda is a one-man show when it comes to cleaning the clothing or removing surface rust. Simply add a little to your laundry for fluffy, odour-free fabrics, or make a thick paste of water to remove rust.

Eco-friendly cleaners keep us safe as well as our environment. So instead of getting a floor cleaner filled with chemicals, natural disinfectant floor cleaners are free of all harmful toxins and cleans just like any chemical cleaner.

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